My Avon Lady...My Friend

Created by Sonia 4 years ago

The first time I met Muriel was when she delivered Betterware on our estate. We had not been living there long, and when she collected the catalogue, I happened to ask if she knew anyone who did Avon. Her reply was “I do Avon too”. From then on we became firm friends. We shared many a cup of tea and glass of wine, long chats and, our love of crafting saw us going to many craft shows together. I spent a lot of time with Muriel and Bryan, caring for Bryan when his illness took a hold.
Sadly, recently due to work and family commitments on my part, and circumstances out of our control, Muriel and I never really got a chance to catch up in person, only managing to see what each other was upto via social media. How I loved seeing those last Christmas jumper photos of you, they bought a big smile to my face.

Raising a glass to a lovely, caring friend. You will be missed xxx